Night Sky Engine
A fighting game framework made in Unreal Engine
No Matches
FBattleState Struct Reference

#include <NightSkyGameState.h>

Collaboration diagram for FBattleState:

Public Attributes

char BattleStateSync
FTeamData TeamData [2]
int32 FrameNumber = 0
int32 TimeUntilRoundStart = 0
int32 TagCooldown = 300
int32 AssistCooldown = 180
int32 RoundStartPos = 297500
int32 CurrentScreenPos = 0
int32 ScreenBounds = 840000
int32 StageBounds = 1680000
FVector CameraPosition = FVector()
FVector PrevCameraPosition = FVector()
bool bHUDVisible = true
int32 RoundTimer = 0
bool PauseTimer = false
bool PauseParticles = false
bool IsPlayingSequence = false
FRandomManager RandomManager
int32 Meter [2] {0, 0}
int32 MaxMeter [2] {10000, 10000}
int32 Gauge [2][GaugeCount]
int32 MaxGauge [GaugeCount]
int32 SuperFreezeDuration = 0
int32 SuperFreezeSelfDuration = 0
ABattleObjectSuperFreezeCaller = nullptr
APlayerObjectMainPlayer [2]
int32 P1RoundsWon = 0
int32 P2RoundsWon = 0
int32 RoundCount = 0
EIntroSide CurrentIntroSide = INT_None
int32 ActiveObjectCount = MaxPlayerObjects
int32 CurrentSequenceTime = -1
FAudioChannel CommonAudioChannels [CommonAudioChannelCount]
FAudioChannel CharaAudioChannels [CharaAudioChannelCount]
FAudioChannel CharaVoiceChannels [CharaVoiceChannelCount]
FAudioChannel AnnouncerVoiceChannel
FAudioChannel MusicChannel
char BattleStateSyncEnd
ERoundFormat RoundFormat = ERoundFormat::FirstToTwo

Detailed Description

Definition at line 67 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActiveObjectCount

int32 FBattleState::ActiveObjectCount = MaxPlayerObjects

Definition at line 126 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ AnnouncerVoiceChannel

FAudioChannel FBattleState::AnnouncerVoiceChannel

Definition at line 132 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ AssistCooldown

int32 FBattleState::AssistCooldown = 180

Definition at line 81 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ BattleStateSync

char FBattleState::BattleStateSync

Definition at line 71 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ BattleStateSyncEnd

char FBattleState::BattleStateSyncEnd

Definition at line 135 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ bHUDVisible

bool FBattleState::bHUDVisible = true

Definition at line 94 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CameraPosition

FVector FBattleState::CameraPosition = FVector()

Definition at line 92 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CharaAudioChannels

FAudioChannel FBattleState::CharaAudioChannels[CharaAudioChannelCount]

Definition at line 130 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CharaVoiceChannels

FAudioChannel FBattleState::CharaVoiceChannels[CharaVoiceChannelCount]

Definition at line 131 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CommonAudioChannels

FAudioChannel FBattleState::CommonAudioChannels[CommonAudioChannelCount]

Definition at line 129 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CurrentIntroSide

EIntroSide FBattleState::CurrentIntroSide = INT_None

Definition at line 124 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CurrentScreenPos

int32 FBattleState::CurrentScreenPos = 0

Definition at line 85 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ CurrentSequenceTime

int32 FBattleState::CurrentSequenceTime = -1

Definition at line 127 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ FrameNumber

int32 FBattleState::FrameNumber = 0

Definition at line 75 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ Gauge

int32 FBattleState::Gauge[2][GaugeCount]

Definition at line 108 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ IsPlayingSequence

bool FBattleState::IsPlayingSequence = false

Definition at line 101 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ MainPlayer

APlayerObject* FBattleState::MainPlayer[2]

Definition at line 118 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ MaxGauge

int32 FBattleState::MaxGauge[GaugeCount]

Definition at line 110 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ MaxMeter

int32 FBattleState::MaxMeter[2] {10000, 10000}

Definition at line 106 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ Meter

int32 FBattleState::Meter[2] {0, 0}

Definition at line 105 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ MusicChannel

FAudioChannel FBattleState::MusicChannel

Definition at line 133 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ P1RoundsWon

int32 FBattleState::P1RoundsWon = 0

Definition at line 120 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ P2RoundsWon

int32 FBattleState::P2RoundsWon = 0

Definition at line 121 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ PauseParticles

bool FBattleState::PauseParticles = false

Definition at line 100 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ PauseTimer

bool FBattleState::PauseTimer = false

Definition at line 99 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ PrevCameraPosition

FVector FBattleState::PrevCameraPosition = FVector()

Definition at line 93 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ RandomManager

FRandomManager FBattleState::RandomManager

Definition at line 103 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ RoundCount

int32 FBattleState::RoundCount = 0

Definition at line 122 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ RoundFormat

ERoundFormat FBattleState::RoundFormat = ERoundFormat::FirstToTwo

Definition at line 138 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ RoundStartPos

int32 FBattleState::RoundStartPos = 297500

Definition at line 84 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ RoundTimer

int32 FBattleState::RoundTimer = 0

Definition at line 97 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ ScreenBounds

int32 FBattleState::ScreenBounds = 840000

Definition at line 88 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ StageBounds

int32 FBattleState::StageBounds = 1680000

Definition at line 90 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ SuperFreezeCaller

ABattleObject* FBattleState::SuperFreezeCaller = nullptr

Definition at line 116 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ SuperFreezeDuration

int32 FBattleState::SuperFreezeDuration = 0

Definition at line 112 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ SuperFreezeSelfDuration

int32 FBattleState::SuperFreezeSelfDuration = 0

Definition at line 113 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ TagCooldown

int32 FBattleState::TagCooldown = 300

Definition at line 79 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ TeamData

FTeamData FBattleState::TeamData[2]

Definition at line 73 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

◆ TimeUntilRoundStart

int32 FBattleState::TimeUntilRoundStart = 0

Definition at line 76 of file NightSkyGameState.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: