Night Sky Engine
A fighting game framework made in Unreal Engine
No Matches
APlayerObject Class Reference

#include <PlayerObject.h>

Inheritance diagram for APlayerObject:
Collaboration diagram for APlayerObject:

Public Member Functions

 APlayerObject ()
void InitPlayer ()
virtual void Update () override
void HandleStateMachine (bool Buffer)
bool HandleAutoCombo (int32 StateIndex)
bool HandleStateInputs (int32 StateIndex, bool Buffer)
bool HandleStateTransition (int32 StateIndex, bool Buffer)
void HandleBufferedState ()
void UpdateNotBattle ()
void EditorUpdate ()
void HandleHitAction (EHitAction HACT)
void ThrowExe ()
void SetHitValuesOverTime ()
bool IsCorrectBlock (EBlockType BlockType)
void HandleBlockAction ()
void HandleProximityBlock ()
void OnStateChange ()
void PostStateChange ()
void RoundInit (bool ResetHealth)
void DisableLastInput ()
void SaveForRollbackPlayer (unsigned char *Buffer) const
TArray< uint8SaveForRollbackBP ()
void LoadForRollbackPlayer (const unsigned char *Buffer)
void LoadForRollbackBP (TArray< uint8 > InBytes)
virtual void LogForSyncTestFile (std::ofstream &file) override
void InitBP ()
void EmptyStateMachine ()
void AddState (FString Name, UState *State)
void AddObjectState (FString Name, UState *State, bool IsCommon)
void AddSubroutine (FString Name, USubroutine *Subroutine, bool IsCommon)
void SetHealth (int Value)
void AddHealth (int Value)
void SetRecoverableHealth (int Value)
void AddRecoverableHealth (int Value)
void RecoverHealth (int Value)
bool CanEnterState (UState *State)
void UseMeter (int Use)
void AddMeter (int Meter)
void SetMeterCooldownTimer (int Timer)
int32 GetGauge (int32 Index) const
void SetGauge (int32 Index, int Value)
void UseGauge (int32 Index, int Use)
void SetStance (EActionStance InStance)
bool JumpToState (FString NewName, bool IsLabel=false)
FString GetCurrentStateName () const
FString GetLastStateName () const
FString GetStateEntryName () const
bool CheckStateEnabled (EStateType StateType, FName CustomStateType)
void EnableState (UPARAM(meta=(Bitmask, BitmaskEnum="/Script/NightSkyEngine.EEnableFlags")) int32 Bitmask)
void DisableState (UPARAM(meta=(Bitmask, BitmaskEnum="/Script/NightSkyEngine.EEnableFlags")) int32 Bitmask)
void EnableCustomState (FName CustomStateType)
void DisableCustomState (FName CustomStateType)
void EnableAttacks ()
void EnableCancelIntoSelf (bool Enable)
void EnableAll ()
void DisableAll ()
bool CheckInput (const FInputCondition &Input)
bool CheckIsAttacking () const
bool CheckIsStunned () const
void AddAirJump (int32 NewAirJump)
void AddAirDash (int32 NewAirDash)
void SetAirDashTimer (bool IsForward)
void SetAirDashNoAttackTimer (bool IsForward)
void AddChainCancelOption (FString Option)
void AddAutoComboCancel (FString Option, EInputFlags Button)
void AddWhiffCancelOption (FString Option)
void RemoveChainCancelOption (FString Option)
void RemoveAutoComboCancel (EInputFlags Button)
void RemoveWhiffCancelOption (FString Option)
void EnableChainCancel (bool Enable)
void EnableWhiffCancel (bool Enable)
void EnableJumpCancel (bool Enable)
void EnableSpecialCancel (bool Enable)
void EnableSuperCancel (bool Enable)
void EnableForwardAirdashCancel (bool Enable)
void SetDefaultLandingAction (bool Enable)
void SetStrikeInvulnerable (bool Invulnerable)
void SetThrowInvulnerable (bool Invulnerable)
void SetHeadInvulnerable (bool Invulnerable)
void SetProjectileInvulnerable (bool Invulnerable)
void SetStrikeInvulnerableForTime (int32 Timer)
void SetThrowInvulnerableForTime (int32 Timer)
void SetThrowResistForTime (int32 Timer)
void SetStunTime (int32 NewTime)
void SetHitValues ()
void ForceEnableFarNormal (bool Enable)
void SetHeadAttribute (bool Attribute)
void SetThrowActive (bool Active)
void ThrowEnd ()
void SetThrowRange (int32 InThrowRange)
void SetThrowExeState (FString ExeState)
void SetThrowPosition (int32 ThrowPosX, int32 ThrowPosY)
void SetDamageReactionCel (int32 Index)
void SetHitgrabActive (bool Active)
void PlayVoiceLine (FString Name)
void PlayCommonLevelSequence (FString Name)
void PlayLevelSequence (FString Name)
void BattleHudVisibility (bool Visible)
void EndRound () const
void EndMatch () const
void PauseRoundTimer (bool Pause)
void AddBattleObjectToStorage (ABattleObject *InActor, int Index)
APlayerObjectCallAssist (int AssistIndex, FString AssistName)
APlayerObjectSwitchMainPlayer (int NewTeamIndex)
bool IsMainPlayer () const
bool IsOnScreen () const
void SetOnScreen (bool OnScreen)
void ToggleComponentVisibility (FString ComponentName, bool Visible)
void SetDefaultComponentVisibility ()
void SetStateForCPU (FName StateName)
bool CheckEnemyInRange (int32 XBegin, int32 XEnd, int32 YBegin, int32 YEnd) const
bool IsEnemyAttackState () const
bool IsEnemyThrow () const
bool IsEnemyBlocking () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ABattleObject
 ABattleObject ()
virtual void Tick (float DeltaTime) override
void CalculatePushbox ()
void HandlePushCollision (ABattleObject *OtherObj)
void HandleHitCollision (ABattleObject *AttackedObj)
FHitData InitHitDataByAttackLevel (bool IsCounter)
void HandleClashCollision (ABattleObject *OtherObj)
void HandleFlip ()
void PosTypeToPosition (EPosType Type, int32 *OutPosX, int32 *OutPosY) const
void TriggerEvent (EEventType EventType)
void CollisionView ()
void SaveForRollback (unsigned char *Buffer) const
void LoadForRollback (const unsigned char *Buffer)
void InitObject ()
void GetBoxes ()
void ResetObject ()
bool IsStopped () const
bool IsTimerPaused () const
void CallSubroutine (FString Name)
void CallSubroutineWithArgs (FString Name, int32 Arg1, int32 Arg2, int32 Arg3, int32 Arg4)
void InitEventHandler (EEventType EventType, FName FuncName, int32 Value=0, FString SubroutineName="")
void RemoveEventHandler (EEventType EventType)
FString GetCelName () const
FString GetAnimName () const
FString GetBlendAnimName () const
FString GetLabelName () const
void SetCelName (FString InName)
void SetBlendCelName (FString InName)
void GotoLabel (FString InName, bool ResetState=true)
void SetTimeUntilNextCel (int32 InTime)
void AddPosXWithDir (int InPosX)
void SetSpeedXRaw (int InSpeedX)
void AddSpeedXRaw (int InSpeedX)
int32 GetPosYCenter () const
int32 CalculateDistanceBetweenPoints (EDistanceType Type, EObjType Obj1, EPosType Pos1, EObjType Obj2, EPosType Pos2)
int32 CalculateAngleBetweenPoints (EObjType Obj1, EPosType Pos1, EObjType Obj2, EPosType Pos2)
void SetFacing (EObjDir NewDir)
void FlipObject ()
void FaceOpponent ()
bool CheckIsGrounded () const
void EnableHit (bool Enabled)
void SetAttacking (bool Attacking)
void SetProjectileAttribute (bool Attribute)
void SetProrateOnce (bool Once)
void SetIgnoreOTG (bool Ignore)
void SetIgnorePushbackScaling (bool Ignore)
void SetIgnoreHitstunScaling (bool Ignore)
void EnableFlip (bool Enabled)
void EnableInertia ()
void DisableInertia ()
void HaltMomentum ()
void SetWallCollisionActive (bool Active)
void SetPushCollisionActive (bool Active)
void SetPushWidthExtend (int32 Extend)
void CreateCommonParticle (FString Name, EPosType PosType, FVector Offset=FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator Rotation=FRotator::ZeroRotator)
void CreateCharaParticle (FString Name, EPosType PosType, FVector Offset=FVector::ZeroVector, FRotator Rotation=FRotator::ZeroRotator)
void LinkCommonParticle (FString Name)
void LinkCharaParticle (FString Name)
AActor * LinkActor (FString Name)
void RemoveLinkActor ()
void PlayCommonSound (FString Name)
void PlayCharaSound (FString Name)
void AttachToSocketOfObject (FString InSocketName, FVector Offset, EObjType ObjType)
void DetachFromSocket ()
void CameraShake (FString PatternName, int32 Scale)
int32 GenerateRandomNumber (int32 Min, int32 Max) const
void StartSuperFreeze (int Duration, int SelfDuration=0)
void IgnoreSuperFreeze (bool Ignore)
void SetObjectID (int InObjectID)
ABattleObjectGetBattleObject (EObjType Type)
ABattleObjectAddCommonBattleObject (FString InStateName, int32 PosXOffset=0, int32 PosYOffset=0, EPosType PosType=POS_Player)
ABattleObjectAddBattleObject (FString InStateName, int32 PosXOffset=0, int32 PosYOffset=0, EPosType PosType=POS_Player)
void EnableDeactivateIfBeyondBounds (bool Enable)
void EnableDeactivateOnStateChange (bool Enable)
void EnableDeactivateOnReceiveHit (bool Enable)
void DeactivateObject ()

Static Public Member Functions

static uint32 FlipInput (uint32 Input)

Public Attributes

unsigned char PlayerSync
int32 FWalkSpeed
int32 BWalkSpeed
int32 FDashInitSpeed
int32 FDashAccel
int32 FDashMaxSpeed
int32 FDashFriction
int32 BDashSpeed
int32 BDashHeight
int32 BDashGravity
int32 JumpHeight
int32 FJumpSpeed
int32 BJumpSpeed
int32 JumpGravity
int32 SuperJumpHeight
int32 FSuperJumpSpeed
int32 BSuperJumpSpeed
int32 SuperJumpGravity
int32 AirDashMinimumHeight
int32 FAirDashSpeed
int32 BAirDashSpeed
int32 FAirDashTime
int32 BAirDashTime
int32 FAirDashNoAttackTime
int32 BAirDashNoAttackTime
int32 AirJumpCount
int32 AirDashCount
int32 StandPushWidth
int32 StandPushHeight
int32 CrouchPushWidth
int32 CrouchPushHeight
int32 AirPushWidth
int32 AirPushHeight
int32 AirPushHeightLow
int32 CloseNormalRange
int32 MaxHealth
int32 MaxMeter = 10000
int32 ComboRate = 60
int32 OtgProration = 80
int32 ForwardWalkMeterGain
int32 ForwardJumpMeterGain
int32 ForwardDashMeterGain
int32 ForwardAirDashMeterGain
int32 MeterPercentOnHit = 72
int32 MeterPercentOnHitGuard = 18
int32 MeterPercentOnReceiveHitGuard = 10
int32 MeterPercentOnReceiveHit = 40
bool CanReverseBeat
bool CanProximityThrow
FInputCondition ProximityThrowInput
int32 ThrowTechWindow = 6
int32 ThrowResistAfterWakeUp = 5
int32 PlayerReg1 = 0
int32 PlayerReg2 = 0
int32 PlayerReg3 = 0
int32 PlayerReg4 = 0
int32 PlayerReg5 = 0
int32 PlayerReg6 = 0
int32 PlayerReg7 = 0
int32 PlayerReg8 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg1 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg2 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg3 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg4 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg5 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg6 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg7 = 0
int32 CmnPlayerReg8 = 0
FStateMachine StoredStateMachine
uint32 Inputs
FInputBuffer StoredInputBuffer
bool FlipInputs
int32 MaxOTGCount
bool bLimitCrumple = true
int32 PlayerIndex
int32 TeamIndex
TEnumAsByte< EActionStanceStance
int32 CurrentHealth
int32 RecoverableHealth
int32 TotalProration = 10000
int32 ComboCounter
int32 ComboTimer
uint32 InvulnFlags = 0
uint32 PlayerFlags = 0
uint32 EnableFlags = 0
uint32 StrikeInvulnerableTimer = 0
uint32 ThrowInvulnerableTimer = 0
uint32 ThrowResistTimer = 0
uint32 AirDashTimer = 0
int32 OTGCount
bool bCrumpled
int32 RoundWinTimer = 180
int32 WallTouchTimer
ABattleObjectStoredBattleObjects [16]
bool ComponentVisible [MaxComponentCount]
FName StateEntryName
FString IntroName = "Intro"
unsigned char PlayerSyncEnd
TArray< FNameEnabledCustomStateTypes
TArray< FLinkedActorContainerStoredLinkActors
TArray< FExtraGaugeExtraGauges
TArray< int32ChainCancelOptions
TArray< int32WhiffCancelOptions
TArray< int32MovesUsedInCombo = {}
TArray< int32MovesUsedInChain = {}
TArray< FStringDamageReactionCels
bool bMirrorWhenFlip
TArray< USubroutine * > CommonSubroutines
TArray< FNameCommonSubroutineNames
TArray< USubroutine * > Subroutines
TArray< FNameSubroutineNames
TArray< UState * > CommonObjectStates
TArray< FNameCommonObjectStateNames
TArray< UState * > ObjectStates
TArray< FNameObjectStateNames
int32 ColorIndex = 1
int32 MaxColorIndex = 2
TArray< USkeletalMeshComponent * > SkeletalMeshComponents
- Public Attributes inherited from ABattleObject
unsigned char ObjSync = 0
int32 PosX = 0
int32 PosY = 0
int32 PosZ = 0
int32 PrevPosX = 0
int32 PrevPosY = 0
int32 PrevPosZ = 0
bool BlendOffset = false
int32 PrevOffsetX = 0
int32 PrevOffsetY = 0
int32 NextOffsetX = 0
int32 NextOffsetY = 0
int32 SpeedX = 0
int32 SpeedY = 0
int32 SpeedZ = 0
int32 SpeedXRate = 100
int32 SpeedXRatePerFrame = 100
int32 SpeedYRate = 100
int32 SpeedYRatePerFrame = 100
int32 SpeedZRate = 100
int32 SpeedZRatePerFrame = 100
int32 Gravity = 1900
int32 Inertia = 0
int32 GroundHeight = 0
TEnumAsByte< EObjDirDirection = DIR_Right
int32 Pushback = 0
FHitDataCommon HitCommon = {}
FHitData NormalHit = {}
FHitData CounterHit = {}
uint32 AttackFlags = 0
FHitDataCommon ReceivedHitCommon = {}
FHitData ReceivedHit = {}
uint32 StunTime = 0
uint32 StunTimeMax = 0
uint32 Hitstop = 0
bool ReturnReg = false
int32 ActionReg1 = 0
int32 ActionReg2 = 0
int32 ActionReg3 = 0
int32 ActionReg4 = 0
int32 ActionReg5 = 0
int32 ActionReg6 = 0
int32 ActionReg7 = 0
int32 ActionReg8 = 0
int32 ObjectReg1 = 0
int32 ObjectReg2 = 0
int32 ObjectReg3 = 0
int32 ObjectReg4 = 0
int32 ObjectReg5 = 0
int32 ObjectReg6 = 0
int32 ObjectReg7 = 0
int32 ObjectReg8 = 0
int32 SubroutineReg1 = 0
int32 SubroutineReg2 = 0
int32 SubroutineReg3 = 0
int32 SubroutineReg4 = 0
int32 ActionTime = 0
FName CelName = {}
FName BlendCelName = {}
FName LabelName = {}
FName AnimName = {}
FName BlendAnimName = {}
TObjectPtr< UAnimSequenceBaseAnimSequence
TObjectPtr< UAnimSequenceBaseBlendAnimSequence
bool GotoLabelActive = false
int32 AnimFrame = 0
int32 BlendAnimFrame = 0
float FrameBlendPosition = 0
int32 CelIndex = 0
int32 TimeUntilNextCel = 0
int32 MaxCelTime = 0
FEventHandler EventHandlers [EVT_NUM] = {}
FName ObjectStateName = {}
uint32 ObjectID = 0
FName SocketName = {}
EObjType SocketObj = OBJ_Self
FVector SocketOffset = FVector::ZeroVector
FLinearColor MulColor = FLinearColor(1,1,1,1)
FLinearColor AddColor = FLinearColor(0,0,0,1)
FLinearColor MulFadeColor = {}
FLinearColor AddFadeColor = {}
float MulFadeSpeed = 0
float AddFadeSpeed = 0
int32 HitPosX = 0
int32 HitPosY = 0
int32 MiscFlags = 0
int32 Timer0 = 0
int32 Timer1 = 0
bool IsPlayer = false
bool IsActive = false
int32 DrawPriority = 0
FHomingParams HomingParams = FHomingParams()
FSuperArmorData SuperArmorData = FSuperArmorData()
int32 UpdateTime = 0
FVector ObjectOffset = FVector::ZeroVector
FRotator ObjectRotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator
FVector ObjectScale = FVector::One()
APlayerObjectPlayer = nullptr
ABattleObjectAttackTarget = nullptr
ABattleObjectPositionLinkObj = nullptr
ABattleObjectStopLinkObj = nullptr
ABattleObjectMaterialLinkObj = nullptr
int32 ObjectStateIndex = 0
bool bIsCommonState = false
unsigned char ObjSyncEnd = 0
TArray< ABattleObject * > ObjectsToIgnoreHitsFrom
TObjectPtr< AActor > LinkedActor
TObjectPtr< UNiagaraComponentLinkedParticle = nullptr
uint32 ObjNumber = 0
float ScreenSpaceDepthOffset = 0
float OrthoBlendActive = 0
TObjectPtr< ANightSkyGameStateGameState = nullptr
TObjectPtr< ANightSkyCharaSelectGameStateCharaSelectGameState = nullptr
TObjectPtr< UStateObjectState = nullptr

Protected Attributes

uint32 CurrentAirJumpCount = 0
uint32 CurrentAirDashCount = 0
uint32 AirDashTimerMax = 0
uint32 CancelFlags = 0
uint32 AirDashNoAttackTime = 0
uint32 InstantBlockLockoutTimer = 0
uint32 MeterCooldownTimer = 0
int32 ThrowRange
int32 ThrowTechTimer
int32 AutoComboCancels [8] = {}
bool bIsAutoCombo
FName LastStateName
FName ExeStateName
FName BufferedStateName
- Protected Attributes inherited from ABattleObject
int32 PushHeight = 0
int32 PushHeightLow = 0
int32 PushWidth = 0
int32 PushWidthExtend = 0
int32 L = 0
int32 R = 0
int32 T = 0
int32 B = 0
FCollisionBox Boxes [CollisionArraySize]

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from ABattleObject
void Move ()
void CalculateHoming ()
bool SuperArmorSuccess (const ABattleObject *Attacker) const
void FuncCall (const FName &FuncName) const

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file PlayerObject.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ APlayerObject()

APlayerObject::APlayerObject ( )

Definition at line 13 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAirDash()

void APlayerObject::AddAirDash ( int32 NewAirDash)

Definition at line 2833 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddAirJump()

void APlayerObject::AddAirJump ( int32 NewAirJump)

Definition at line 2828 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddAutoComboCancel()

void APlayerObject::AddAutoComboCancel ( FString Option,
EInputFlags Button )

Definition at line 2859 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddBattleObjectToStorage()

void APlayerObject::AddBattleObjectToStorage ( ABattleObject * InActor,
int Index )

Definition at line 1322 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddChainCancelOption()

void APlayerObject::AddChainCancelOption ( FString Option)

Definition at line 2854 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddHealth()

void APlayerObject::AddHealth ( int Value)

Definition at line 2187 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddMeter()

void APlayerObject::AddMeter ( int Meter)

Definition at line 2222 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddObjectState()

void APlayerObject::AddObjectState ( FString Name,
UState * State,
bool IsCommon )

Definition at line 2152 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddRecoverableHealth()

void APlayerObject::AddRecoverableHealth ( int Value)

Definition at line 2197 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddState()

void APlayerObject::AddState ( FString Name,
UState * State )

Definition at line 2146 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddSubroutine()

void APlayerObject::AddSubroutine ( FString Name,
USubroutine * Subroutine,
bool IsCommon )

Definition at line 2167 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ AddWhiffCancelOption()

void APlayerObject::AddWhiffCancelOption ( FString Option)

Definition at line 2894 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ BattleHudVisibility()

void APlayerObject::BattleHudVisibility ( bool Visible)

Definition at line 1298 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CallAssist()

APlayerObject * APlayerObject::CallAssist ( int AssistIndex,
FString AssistName )

Definition at line 1330 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CanEnterState()

bool APlayerObject::CanEnterState ( UState * State)

Definition at line 1374 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CheckEnemyInRange()

bool APlayerObject::CheckEnemyInRange ( int32 XBegin,
int32 XEnd,
int32 YBegin,
int32 YEnd ) const

Definition at line 1422 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CheckInput()

bool APlayerObject::CheckInput ( const FInputCondition & Input)

Definition at line 2812 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CheckIsAttacking()

bool APlayerObject::CheckIsAttacking ( ) const

Definition at line 2818 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CheckIsStunned()

bool APlayerObject::CheckIsStunned ( ) const

Definition at line 2823 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ CheckStateEnabled()

bool APlayerObject::CheckStateEnabled ( EStateType StateType,
FName CustomStateType )

Definition at line 2298 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ DisableAll()

void APlayerObject::DisableAll ( )

Definition at line 2790 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ DisableCustomState()

void APlayerObject::DisableCustomState ( FName CustomStateType)

Definition at line 2744 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ DisableLastInput()

void APlayerObject::DisableLastInput ( )

Definition at line 2679 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ DisableState()

void APlayerObject::DisableState ( UPARAM(meta=(Bitmask, BitmaskEnum="/Script/NightSkyEngine.EEnableFlags")) int32 Bitmask)

Definition at line 2734 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EditorUpdate()

void APlayerObject::EditorUpdate ( )

◆ EmptyStateMachine()

void APlayerObject::EmptyStateMachine ( )

Definition at line 1625 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableAll()

void APlayerObject::EnableAll ( )

Definition at line 2768 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableAttacks()

void APlayerObject::EnableAttacks ( )

Definition at line 2749 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableCancelIntoSelf()

void APlayerObject::EnableCancelIntoSelf ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2756 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableChainCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableChainCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2944 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableCustomState()

void APlayerObject::EnableCustomState ( FName CustomStateType)

Definition at line 2739 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableForwardAirdashCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableForwardAirdashCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 3006 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableJumpCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableJumpCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2968 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableSpecialCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableSpecialCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2980 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableState()

void APlayerObject::EnableState ( UPARAM(meta=(Bitmask, BitmaskEnum="/Script/NightSkyEngine.EEnableFlags")) int32 Bitmask)

Definition at line 2729 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableSuperCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableSuperCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2994 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EnableWhiffCancel()

void APlayerObject::EnableWhiffCancel ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 2956 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EndMatch()

void APlayerObject::EndMatch ( ) const

Definition at line 1310 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ EndRound()

void APlayerObject::EndRound ( ) const

Definition at line 1304 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ FlipInput()

uint32 APlayerObject::FlipInput ( uint32 Input)

Definition at line 101 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ ForceEnableFarNormal()

void APlayerObject::ForceEnableFarNormal ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 1173 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ GetCurrentStateName()

FString APlayerObject::GetCurrentStateName ( ) const

Definition at line 2283 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ GetGauge()

int32 APlayerObject::GetGauge ( int32 Index) const

Definition at line 2235 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ GetLastStateName()

FString APlayerObject::GetLastStateName ( ) const

Definition at line 2288 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ GetStateEntryName()

FString APlayerObject::GetStateEntryName ( ) const

Definition at line 2293 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleAutoCombo()

bool APlayerObject::HandleAutoCombo ( int32 StateIndex)

Definition at line 135 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleBlockAction()

void APlayerObject::HandleBlockAction ( )

Definition at line 1514 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleBufferedState()

void APlayerObject::HandleBufferedState ( )

Definition at line 1632 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleHitAction()

void APlayerObject::HandleHitAction ( EHitAction HACT)

Definition at line 682 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleProximityBlock()

void APlayerObject::HandleProximityBlock ( )

Definition at line 1576 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleStateInputs()

bool APlayerObject::HandleStateInputs ( int32 StateIndex,
bool Buffer )

Definition at line 195 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleStateMachine()

void APlayerObject::HandleStateMachine ( bool Buffer)

Definition at line 119 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ HandleStateTransition()

bool APlayerObject::HandleStateTransition ( int32 StateIndex,
bool Buffer )

Definition at line 219 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ InitBP()

void APlayerObject::InitBP ( )

◆ InitPlayer()

void APlayerObject::InitPlayer ( )

Definition at line 112 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsCorrectBlock()

bool APlayerObject::IsCorrectBlock ( EBlockType BlockType)

Definition at line 1458 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsEnemyAttackState()

bool APlayerObject::IsEnemyAttackState ( ) const

Definition at line 1440 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsEnemyBlocking()

bool APlayerObject::IsEnemyBlocking ( ) const

Definition at line 1451 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsEnemyThrow()

bool APlayerObject::IsEnemyThrow ( ) const

Definition at line 1446 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsMainPlayer()

bool APlayerObject::IsMainPlayer ( ) const

Definition at line 1342 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ IsOnScreen()

bool APlayerObject::IsOnScreen ( ) const

Definition at line 1348 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ JumpToState()

bool APlayerObject::JumpToState ( FString NewName,
bool IsLabel = false )

Definition at line 2258 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ LoadForRollbackBP()

void APlayerObject::LoadForRollbackBP ( TArray< uint8 > InBytes)

Definition at line 2703 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ LoadForRollbackPlayer()

void APlayerObject::LoadForRollbackPlayer ( const unsigned char * Buffer)

Definition at line 2698 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ LogForSyncTestFile()

void APlayerObject::LogForSyncTestFile ( std::ofstream & file)

Reimplemented from ABattleObject.

Definition at line 2710 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ OnStateChange()

void APlayerObject::OnStateChange ( )

Definition at line 2379 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ PauseRoundTimer()

void APlayerObject::PauseRoundTimer ( bool Pause)

Definition at line 1316 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ PlayCommonLevelSequence()

void APlayerObject::PlayCommonLevelSequence ( FString Name)

Definition at line 1268 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ PlayLevelSequence()

void APlayerObject::PlayLevelSequence ( FString Name)

Definition at line 1283 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ PlayVoiceLine()

void APlayerObject::PlayVoiceLine ( FString Name)

Definition at line 1251 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ PostStateChange()

void APlayerObject::PostStateChange ( )

Definition at line 2465 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ RecoverHealth()

void APlayerObject::RecoverHealth ( int Value)

Definition at line 2202 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ RemoveAutoComboCancel()

void APlayerObject::RemoveAutoComboCancel ( EInputFlags Button)

Definition at line 2904 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ RemoveChainCancelOption()

void APlayerObject::RemoveChainCancelOption ( FString Option)

Definition at line 2899 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ RemoveWhiffCancelOption()

void APlayerObject::RemoveWhiffCancelOption ( FString Option)

Definition at line 2939 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ RoundInit()

void APlayerObject::RoundInit ( bool ResetHealth)

Definition at line 2483 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SaveForRollbackBP()

TArray< uint8 > APlayerObject::SaveForRollbackBP ( )

Definition at line 2689 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SaveForRollbackPlayer()

void APlayerObject::SaveForRollbackPlayer ( unsigned char * Buffer) const

Definition at line 2684 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetAirDashNoAttackTimer()

void APlayerObject::SetAirDashNoAttackTimer ( bool IsForward)

Definition at line 2846 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetAirDashTimer()

void APlayerObject::SetAirDashTimer ( bool IsForward)

Definition at line 2838 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetDamageReactionCel()

void APlayerObject::SetDamageReactionCel ( int32 Index)

Definition at line 1231 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetDefaultComponentVisibility()

void APlayerObject::SetDefaultComponentVisibility ( )

◆ SetDefaultLandingAction()

void APlayerObject::SetDefaultLandingAction ( bool Enable)

Definition at line 3018 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetGauge()

void APlayerObject::SetGauge ( int32 Index,
int Value )

Definition at line 2241 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHeadAttribute()

void APlayerObject::SetHeadAttribute ( bool Attribute)

Definition at line 1185 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHeadInvulnerable()

void APlayerObject::SetHeadInvulnerable ( bool Invulnerable)

Definition at line 3054 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHealth()

void APlayerObject::SetHealth ( int Value)

Definition at line 2182 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHitgrabActive()

void APlayerObject::SetHitgrabActive ( bool Active)

Definition at line 1239 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHitValues()

void APlayerObject::SetHitValues ( )

Definition at line 958 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetHitValuesOverTime()

void APlayerObject::SetHitValuesOverTime ( )

Definition at line 933 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetMeterCooldownTimer()

void APlayerObject::SetMeterCooldownTimer ( int Timer)

Definition at line 2230 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetOnScreen()

void APlayerObject::SetOnScreen ( bool OnScreen)

Definition at line 1353 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetProjectileInvulnerable()

void APlayerObject::SetProjectileInvulnerable ( bool Invulnerable)

Definition at line 3066 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetRecoverableHealth()

void APlayerObject::SetRecoverableHealth ( int Value)

Definition at line 2192 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetStance()

void APlayerObject::SetStance ( EActionStance InStance)

Definition at line 2253 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetStateForCPU()

void APlayerObject::SetStateForCPU ( FName StateName)

Definition at line 1417 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetStrikeInvulnerable()

void APlayerObject::SetStrikeInvulnerable ( bool Invulnerable)

Definition at line 3030 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetStrikeInvulnerableForTime()

void APlayerObject::SetStrikeInvulnerableForTime ( int32 Timer)

Definition at line 3078 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetStunTime()

void APlayerObject::SetStunTime ( int32 NewTime)

Definition at line 3093 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowActive()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowActive ( bool Active)

Definition at line 1193 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowExeState()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowExeState ( FString ExeState)

Definition at line 1216 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowInvulnerable()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowInvulnerable ( bool Invulnerable)

Definition at line 3042 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowInvulnerableForTime()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowInvulnerableForTime ( int32 Timer)

Definition at line 3083 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowPosition()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowPosition ( int32 ThrowPosX,
int32 ThrowPosY )

Definition at line 1221 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowRange()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowRange ( int32 InThrowRange)

Definition at line 1211 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SetThrowResistForTime()

void APlayerObject::SetThrowResistForTime ( int32 Timer)

Definition at line 3088 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ SwitchMainPlayer()

APlayerObject * APlayerObject::SwitchMainPlayer ( int NewTeamIndex)

Definition at line 1336 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ ThrowEnd()

void APlayerObject::ThrowEnd ( )

Definition at line 1205 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ ThrowExe()

void APlayerObject::ThrowExe ( )

Definition at line 1936 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ ToggleComponentVisibility()

void APlayerObject::ToggleComponentVisibility ( FString ComponentName,
bool Visible )

Definition at line 1361 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ Update()

void APlayerObject::Update ( )

Reimplemented from ABattleObject.

Definition at line 281 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ UpdateNotBattle()

void APlayerObject::UpdateNotBattle ( )

Definition at line 661 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ UseGauge()

void APlayerObject::UseGauge ( int32 Index,
int Use )

Definition at line 2247 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

◆ UseMeter()

void APlayerObject::UseMeter ( int Use)

Definition at line 2216 of file PlayerObject.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AirDashCount

int32 APlayerObject::AirDashCount

Definition at line 119 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirDashMinimumHeight

int32 APlayerObject::AirDashMinimumHeight

Definition at line 99 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirDashNoAttackTime

uint32 APlayerObject::AirDashNoAttackTime = 0

Definition at line 288 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirDashTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::AirDashTimer = 0

Definition at line 259 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirDashTimerMax

uint32 APlayerObject::AirDashTimerMax = 0

Definition at line 286 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirJumpCount

int32 APlayerObject::AirJumpCount

Definition at line 117 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirPushHeight

int32 APlayerObject::AirPushHeight

Definition at line 131 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirPushHeightLow

int32 APlayerObject::AirPushHeightLow

Definition at line 133 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AirPushWidth

int32 APlayerObject::AirPushWidth

Definition at line 129 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ AutoComboCancels

int32 APlayerObject::AutoComboCancels[8] = {}

Definition at line 295 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BAirDashNoAttackTime

int32 APlayerObject::BAirDashNoAttackTime

Definition at line 115 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BAirDashSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::BAirDashSpeed

Definition at line 103 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BAirDashTime

int32 APlayerObject::BAirDashTime

Definition at line 109 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ bCrumpled

bool APlayerObject::bCrumpled

Definition at line 261 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BDashGravity

int32 APlayerObject::BDashGravity

Definition at line 81 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BDashHeight

int32 APlayerObject::BDashHeight

Definition at line 79 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BDashSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::BDashSpeed

Definition at line 77 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ bIsAutoCombo

bool APlayerObject::bIsAutoCombo

Definition at line 298 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BJumpSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::BJumpSpeed

Definition at line 87 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ bLimitCrumple

bool APlayerObject::bLimitCrumple = true

Definition at line 238 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ bMirrorWhenFlip

bool APlayerObject::bMirrorWhenFlip

Definition at line 342 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BSuperJumpSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::BSuperJumpSpeed

Definition at line 95 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BufferedStateName

FName APlayerObject::BufferedStateName

Definition at line 301 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ BWalkSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::BWalkSpeed

Definition at line 67 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CameraShakeData

UCameraShakeData* APlayerObject::CameraShakeData

Definition at line 411 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CancelFlags

uint32 APlayerObject::CancelFlags = 0

Definition at line 287 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CanProximityThrow

bool APlayerObject::CanProximityThrow

Definition at line 163 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CanReverseBeat

bool APlayerObject::CanReverseBeat

Definition at line 161 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ChainCancelOptions

TArray<int32> APlayerObject::ChainCancelOptions

Definition at line 324 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CharaParticleData

UParticleData* APlayerObject::CharaParticleData

Definition at line 404 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CharaStateData

UStateData* APlayerObject::CharaStateData

Definition at line 381 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CharaSubroutineData

USubroutineData* APlayerObject::CharaSubroutineData

Definition at line 374 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CloseNormalRange

int32 APlayerObject::CloseNormalRange

Definition at line 135 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg1

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg1 = 0

Definition at line 197 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg2

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg2 = 0

Definition at line 199 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg3

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg3 = 0

Definition at line 201 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg4

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg4 = 0

Definition at line 203 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg5

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg5 = 0

Definition at line 205 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg6

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg6 = 0

Definition at line 207 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg7

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg7 = 0

Definition at line 209 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CmnPlayerReg8

int32 APlayerObject::CmnPlayerReg8 = 0

Definition at line 211 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CollisionData

UCollisionData* APlayerObject::CollisionData

Definition at line 369 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ColorIndex

int32 APlayerObject::ColorIndex = 1

Definition at line 386 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ComboCounter

int32 APlayerObject::ComboCounter

Definition at line 251 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ComboRate

int32 APlayerObject::ComboRate = 60

Definition at line 141 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ComboTimer

int32 APlayerObject::ComboTimer

Definition at line 252 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonCollisionData

UCollisionData* APlayerObject::CommonCollisionData

Definition at line 367 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonFlipbookData

UFlipbookData* APlayerObject::CommonFlipbookData

Definition at line 397 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonLinkActorData

ULinkActorData* APlayerObject::CommonLinkActorData

Definition at line 392 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonObjectStateData

UStateData* APlayerObject::CommonObjectStateData

Definition at line 377 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonObjectStateNames

TArray<FName> APlayerObject::CommonObjectStateNames

Definition at line 357 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonObjectStates

TArray<UState*> APlayerObject::CommonObjectStates

Definition at line 356 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonParticleData

UParticleData* APlayerObject::CommonParticleData

Definition at line 402 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonSequenceData

USequenceData* APlayerObject::CommonSequenceData

Definition at line 407 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonSoundData

USoundData* APlayerObject::CommonSoundData

Definition at line 414 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonSubroutineData

USubroutineData* APlayerObject::CommonSubroutineData

Definition at line 372 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonSubroutineNames

TArray<FName> APlayerObject::CommonSubroutineNames

Definition at line 350 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CommonSubroutines

TArray<USubroutine*> APlayerObject::CommonSubroutines

Definition at line 349 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ComponentVisible

bool APlayerObject::ComponentVisible[MaxComponentCount]

Definition at line 274 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CrouchPushHeight

int32 APlayerObject::CrouchPushHeight

Definition at line 127 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CrouchPushWidth

int32 APlayerObject::CrouchPushWidth

Definition at line 125 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CurrentAirDashCount

uint32 APlayerObject::CurrentAirDashCount = 0

Definition at line 285 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CurrentAirJumpCount

uint32 APlayerObject::CurrentAirJumpCount = 0

Definition at line 284 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ CurrentHealth

int32 APlayerObject::CurrentHealth

Definition at line 248 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ DamageReactionCels

TArray<FString> APlayerObject::DamageReactionCels

Definition at line 340 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ EnabledCustomStateTypes

TArray<FName> APlayerObject::EnabledCustomStateTypes

Definition at line 312 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ EnableFlags

uint32 APlayerObject::EnableFlags = 0

Definition at line 255 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ Enemy

APlayerObject* APlayerObject::Enemy

Definition at line 270 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ExeStateName

FName APlayerObject::ExeStateName

Definition at line 300 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ExtraGauges

TArray<FExtraGauge> APlayerObject::ExtraGauges

Definition at line 320 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FAirDashNoAttackTime

int32 APlayerObject::FAirDashNoAttackTime

Definition at line 112 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FAirDashSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FAirDashSpeed

Definition at line 101 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FAirDashTime

int32 APlayerObject::FAirDashTime

Definition at line 106 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FDashAccel

int32 APlayerObject::FDashAccel

Definition at line 71 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FDashFriction

int32 APlayerObject::FDashFriction

Definition at line 75 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FDashInitSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FDashInitSpeed

Definition at line 69 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FDashMaxSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FDashMaxSpeed

Definition at line 73 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FJumpSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FJumpSpeed

Definition at line 85 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FlipbookData

UFlipbookData* APlayerObject::FlipbookData

Definition at line 399 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FlipInputs

bool APlayerObject::FlipInputs

Definition at line 234 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ForwardAirDashMeterGain

int32 APlayerObject::ForwardAirDashMeterGain

Definition at line 151 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ForwardDashMeterGain

int32 APlayerObject::ForwardDashMeterGain

Definition at line 149 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ForwardJumpMeterGain

int32 APlayerObject::ForwardJumpMeterGain

Definition at line 147 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ForwardWalkMeterGain

int32 APlayerObject::ForwardWalkMeterGain

Definition at line 145 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FSuperJumpSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FSuperJumpSpeed

Definition at line 93 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ FWalkSpeed

int32 APlayerObject::FWalkSpeed

Definition at line 65 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ Inputs

uint32 APlayerObject::Inputs

Definition at line 223 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ InstantBlockLockoutTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::InstantBlockLockoutTimer = 0

Definition at line 289 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ IntroName

FString APlayerObject::IntroName = "Intro"

Definition at line 278 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ InvulnFlags

uint32 APlayerObject::InvulnFlags = 0

Definition at line 253 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ JumpGravity

int32 APlayerObject::JumpGravity

Definition at line 89 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ JumpHeight

int32 APlayerObject::JumpHeight

Definition at line 83 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ LastStateName

FName APlayerObject::LastStateName

Definition at line 299 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ LinkActorData

ULinkActorData* APlayerObject::LinkActorData

Definition at line 394 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MaterialData

UMaterialData* APlayerObject::MaterialData

Definition at line 384 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MaxColorIndex

int32 APlayerObject::MaxColorIndex = 2

Definition at line 388 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MaxHealth

int32 APlayerObject::MaxHealth

Definition at line 137 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MaxMeter

int32 APlayerObject::MaxMeter = 10000

Definition at line 139 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MaxOTGCount

int32 APlayerObject::MaxOTGCount

Definition at line 236 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MeterCooldownTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::MeterCooldownTimer = 0

Definition at line 290 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MeterPercentOnHit

int32 APlayerObject::MeterPercentOnHit = 72

Definition at line 153 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MeterPercentOnHitGuard

int32 APlayerObject::MeterPercentOnHitGuard = 18

Definition at line 155 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MeterPercentOnReceiveHit

int32 APlayerObject::MeterPercentOnReceiveHit = 40

Definition at line 159 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MeterPercentOnReceiveHitGuard

int32 APlayerObject::MeterPercentOnReceiveHitGuard = 10

Definition at line 157 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MovesUsedInChain

TArray<int32> APlayerObject::MovesUsedInChain = {}

Definition at line 333 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ MovesUsedInCombo

TArray<int32> APlayerObject::MovesUsedInCombo = {}

Definition at line 330 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ObjectStateData

UStateData* APlayerObject::ObjectStateData

Definition at line 379 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ObjectStateNames

TArray<FName> APlayerObject::ObjectStateNames

Definition at line 360 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ObjectStates

TArray<UState*> APlayerObject::ObjectStates

Definition at line 359 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ OTGCount

int32 APlayerObject::OTGCount

Definition at line 260 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ OtgProration

int32 APlayerObject::OtgProration = 80

Definition at line 143 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerFlags

uint32 APlayerObject::PlayerFlags = 0

Definition at line 254 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerIndex

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerIndex

Definition at line 241 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg1

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg1 = 0

Definition at line 176 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg2

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg2 = 0

Definition at line 178 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg3

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg3 = 0

Definition at line 180 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg4

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg4 = 0

Definition at line 182 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg5

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg5 = 0

Definition at line 184 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg6

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg6 = 0

Definition at line 186 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg7

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg7 = 0

Definition at line 188 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerReg8

int32 APlayerObject::PlayerReg8 = 0

Definition at line 190 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerSync

unsigned char APlayerObject::PlayerSync

Definition at line 58 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ PlayerSyncEnd

unsigned char APlayerObject::PlayerSyncEnd

Definition at line 305 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ProximityThrowInput

FInputCondition APlayerObject::ProximityThrowInput

Definition at line 165 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ RecoverableHealth

int32 APlayerObject::RecoverableHealth

Definition at line 249 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ RoundWinTimer

int32 APlayerObject::RoundWinTimer = 180

Definition at line 262 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SequenceData

USequenceData* APlayerObject::SequenceData

Definition at line 409 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SkeletalMeshComponents

TArray<USkeletalMeshComponent*> APlayerObject::SkeletalMeshComponents

Definition at line 421 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SoundData

USoundData* APlayerObject::SoundData

Definition at line 416 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ Stance

TEnumAsByte<EActionStance> APlayerObject::Stance

Definition at line 246 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StandPushHeight

int32 APlayerObject::StandPushHeight

Definition at line 123 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StandPushWidth

int32 APlayerObject::StandPushWidth

Definition at line 121 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StateEntryName

FName APlayerObject::StateEntryName

Definition at line 276 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StoredBattleObjects

ABattleObject* APlayerObject::StoredBattleObjects[16]

Definition at line 272 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StoredInputBuffer

FInputBuffer APlayerObject::StoredInputBuffer

Definition at line 226 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StoredLinkActors

TArray<FLinkedActorContainer> APlayerObject::StoredLinkActors

Definition at line 316 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StoredStateMachine

FStateMachine APlayerObject::StoredStateMachine

Definition at line 218 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ StrikeInvulnerableTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::StrikeInvulnerableTimer = 0

Definition at line 256 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SubroutineNames

TArray<FName> APlayerObject::SubroutineNames

Definition at line 353 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ Subroutines

TArray<USubroutine*> APlayerObject::Subroutines

Definition at line 352 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SuperJumpGravity

int32 APlayerObject::SuperJumpGravity

Definition at line 97 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ SuperJumpHeight

int32 APlayerObject::SuperJumpHeight

Definition at line 91 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ TeamIndex

int32 APlayerObject::TeamIndex

Definition at line 243 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowInvulnerableTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::ThrowInvulnerableTimer = 0

Definition at line 257 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowRange

int32 APlayerObject::ThrowRange

Definition at line 291 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowResistAfterWakeUp

int32 APlayerObject::ThrowResistAfterWakeUp = 5

Definition at line 169 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowResistTimer

uint32 APlayerObject::ThrowResistTimer = 0

Definition at line 258 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowTechTimer

int32 APlayerObject::ThrowTechTimer

Definition at line 292 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ ThrowTechWindow

int32 APlayerObject::ThrowTechWindow = 6

Definition at line 167 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ TotalProration

int32 APlayerObject::TotalProration = 10000

Definition at line 250 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ VoiceData

USoundData* APlayerObject::VoiceData

Definition at line 418 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ WallTouchTimer

int32 APlayerObject::WallTouchTimer

Definition at line 263 of file PlayerObject.h.

◆ WhiffCancelOptions

TArray<int32> APlayerObject::WhiffCancelOptions

Definition at line 327 of file PlayerObject.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: